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      I THINK

Keith OTIS

Techno Spiritualist

A scientist and a holy man stood back to back and started walking full speed ahead. Centuries have past and they are beginning to realize that they have been on a giant circle the whole time. They can see each other on the horizon and one day soon they will walk hand-in-hand


I was raised in the Catholic tradition. I went to Catholic schools for most of my childhood. By the time I graduated from eighth grade I had become agnostic as a result of the dogma of the Catholic Church at the time. It occurred to me that Heaven could not have been as exclusive as they had made it seem. If Christians were the only ones going to heaven most of the people on the planet would be excluded and that didn't seem fair. Also the notion that I had to be good for fear of being struck by lightning or enduring an unbearable heat wave for an eternity did not seem like an honest reason to love my neighbor. Back in those days when you filled out a job application one of the questions was "what religion are you?" I would always give  a sarcastic answer, " I would say that "I am a techno-spiritualist."

Later I found myself drawing parallels between some principles of quantum physics and what some of our sages had said.  Here is an example. If the universe is holographic in nature which means every bit as the imprint of the whole like the "physicsists say, then we never have to want for anything because we have it all inside of us already like the sages have said.

I realized that I am a Techno-Spiritualist and the Universe had been pranking me the entire time. This website will allow me to share some of the inspirations that have manifested as a result of that revelation.

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